Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Grandma & Papa's Chicken Soup Tips

A couple months ago Grandma/Mana/Mom/Nana/Flo and Papa/Dad/Walt dropped off a pot of delicious chicken soup for my family.  It was so good.  Like, seriously, SO GOOD.  I asked for the recipe, but it sounds like its a very intuitive dish for them.  Here are their tips:

Papa: FAT...FAT...FAT... About 85 to 90% of the chicken fat generated was left in the soup. The chicken was roasted at 350 for 35 or 40 minutes before going into the fat-free hot broth. The roasting chicken was over 5# with some extra wings and thighs thrown in. Carrots, onion, parsnip, celery and parsley finished off the brew...no salt or pepper, believe it or not. Mrs. Kluski furnished the noodles.

Grandma:  Papa was the chef who prepared this wonderful soup. It is a middle European version, for sure.

The peasants who labored in the fields all day, probably needed the fat in their diets.
I'm not sure that we get that pass here on 16 S !

We all loved the chicken noodle soup prepared for us by Papa's cousin's family, while we visited them in your great great Grandma's home village in Poland.
(I know you don't want to hear any more about that trip that you weren't on ) Anyway, the homemade soup/noodles, bread and pastries were so rich/buttery and flavorful. To die for perhaps :) 

The secrets for the soup seem to me to be ==

1) The whole chicken is roasted first with the skin on and then placed into the broth and simmered with the vegetables with the skin still on.
Now you now know where all that homey flavor comes from :))
2) A few sprigs of Dill are also important.

My "Irish" adaptation through the years has been to simmer skinless chicken breasts in fat free-low sodium broth.
Consequently almost all of the flavor is missing..:(( Healthier for the body if not the Soul .

It is wonderful to share in the foods of our ancestors but I guess moderation would be the theme here....like once in awhile !

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